Saturday, June 29, 2013

Interesting Environments

Some environmental effects for DCC/D&D type games.

Mage Crystal
This room is lined with Mage Crystal, a bluish crystaline mineral that had odd effects on magic. Whenever a spell is cast in this room, or within 100' of the crystal, roll on the following table.
Mage Crystal effects- 1d6
1: Spell is absorbed by the crystal and has no effect.
2: Spell targets caster, for good or ill.
3: Spell targets a random target, for good or ill.
4: Caster is at -1d3 for spell check roll.
5: Caster is at +1d3 for spell check roll.
6: Every living creature within 20' of caster must make a Luck save vs DC 10 + Caster Level, or suffer a minor corruption.
Mage Crystal is rarely found in mines and caves, and is sometimes harvested and used by various persons. There must be at least a total of 10 cubic feet (can be spread around) of Mage Crystal for the effects to happen. Having a chip or stone of Mage Crystal on one's person does not affect spellcasting.

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